G219 | Info
Technical Assistance
For technical assistance in G219 / Seminar Room contact the Fountain Multimedia Help Desk | Email: lc@nscad.ca / Phone: (902) 494-8170
Room Bookings & Location
G219 Room Booking Schedule
CLICK HERE to view the G219 / Lecture Room schedule on NSCAD Room Booking Schedule
Faculty should email Fountain Multimedia at lc@nscad.ca for occasional G219 bookings.
Faculty are required to forward long-term G219 room booking requests to their Department Chair.
For Students
Faculty are required to make G219 room bookings on behalf of their students.
G219 Location
CLICK HERE to view G219's room location on NSCAD University Campus Maps
Room Keys
Short-Term Loans
Multimedia provides short-term G219 key loans (2 days) to faculty & students (if approved by faculty).
Please email Multimedia at lc@nscad.ca or drop by the Help Desk (N320) to sign out a G219 key.
Long-Term Loans
For a semester-long G219 key loan, faculty must contact James Rae (jrae@nscad.ca | Facilities Manager) directly.
Instructional Cart
Mac mini (w/ mouse & keyboard) & Monitor | *The G219 Instructional Cart Mac mini prints to the LC Lounge Printer.
USB DVD Player
Projector (Ceiling Mounted)
Digital Projector (Connects to Instructional Cart's Mac mini)
Sound Speaker
Sound Speaker (Wall Mounted | Connects to Instructional Cart's Mac mini)
Other Equipment:
A Slide Remote is available for loan from the Fountain Multimedia Help Desk (Rm N320)
Software Requests
Faculty must submit a Software Request Form for additional software required for their G219 class(es).
The Software Request Form is due before each semester by the required deadline.
Software List
The following software is installed & updated on the G219 Mac mini: